Amway - Education Statistics">

Education Success Statistics

No presentation of the plan is complete unless something is said about how the educational system is failing to help us achieve our dreams and goals. On this page, I am going to share some information from the 1996 Digest of Education Statistics which was created by the U.S. Department of Education.

Before I begin, I must thank Jason at the The Insider's Perspective for providing me the URL of the 1996 Digest of Education Statistics. Jason has created a very informative site about the Amway business. I highly encourage you to visit his web-site.

Now, for some hard numbers:

This information comes from Table 307, which is about enrollment and completion statistics.

How much does it cost to get an education? Fortunately, Table 309 contains the average tuition costs from 1964 to the 1995-96 school year. The following information is for 4 year universities only. I added up the last four years average tuition to get an average of what it cost someone to get an education over the past four years.

Obviously, the next question is for those that did graduate with a degree, what are the employment statistics? Fortunately, Table 380 contains this information, however it is only for those who have attained Bachelors degrees. This survey is taken one year after graduation.

Percent Employed Full Time

Percent Employed Full Time in a job closely related to field of study I know that this is a bad assumption, but since it looks like the percentages have remained fairly stable for several years, I'm going to assume that the employment percentages remained pretty constant from Jun 91 to Jun 94 and apply these percentages to the graduate statistics for Jun 94.

Using these percentages, it is very easy to calculate that 18% of the students who STARTED a bachelors degree wound up in a job that was related to their field of study. An additional 16% of those people who started a bachelors degree were employed full-time in some other type of occupation for whatever reason.

Finally, what were their incomes? I'm glad you asked. Table 376 has this information for 1994. This table breaks down incomes in many different categories, but I am going to present only the columns on men and women 25 years and older, with income, that has a bachelors degree.

In 1994, there were approximately 12,997,000 men 25 years and older with a bachelors degree with an average income of $38,701 and approximately 11,773,000 women with an average income of $23,405. Listed below are the percentage of people in each of the income ranges for both sexes.

This means that nearly 15,000,000 men and women with bachelors degrees, or nearly 5.6% of the population (assuming there are 266 million U.S. citizens), are earning over $25,000. If you start adding in people with other college degrees (certificates, associates and graduate degrees), there are approximately 40,000,000 men and women, or approximately 14.9% of the American population who attended college and are earning over $25,000.

I am not presenting this information to tell you how great the educational system is here in the United States. These numbers can certainly be improved upon in many different ways. I am giving you this information so that you can compare the success statistics, expenditures, and incomes that you can expect from a 4 year college education against what you can expect while building an Amway business.

This web site contains several hundred tables of statistics about all levels of education from kindergarten to graduate school. This is our tax dollars at work! Thank you Bill & Al!

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