Remote message from John Duff.
"Hey, Ed, man, John Duff here. I've gotten somethin' fired up I want
to tell you about. I had one of the most unbelievable things happen to me
today. I was sittin' downtown doin' the old J.O.B. routine, you know this
thing that I'm gonna be totally free from here in just a short while and,
uh, guess who walked by me? uh, it took me a couple of minutes to realize
who it was. Brad Duncan. Yes, BRAD DUNCAN. He walked by. I tell you what,
man, the guy was caz, not a care in the world, he walked with style and
finesse, man, he was in jeans dungarees, the guy just looked so casual and
I was on my way to the bank and I thought, man, hey, I have to find out
where he's goin'. Hey, luckily, I FOUND him. He was at Nordstrom's, okay?
He was down at Nordstrom's in the lady's department, uh, doin' somethin'
and I walked in there and the sales woman walked up and says what are you
doin', asked me if I needed help and I sez well I'm just kinda gettin' some
ideas for Mother's day and that kinda thing, well, you KNOW what I wanted
to do so I turned around and there's BRAD sittin' at the counter, Ed, and
he's got a totally gorgeous diamond pendant or some type of diamond jewelry,
just the BIGGEST most OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE piece of jewelry that I could
find that I'VE seen and he's telling the lady how beautiful his wife is
and what she wears to these functions and meetings and I just, I couldn't
help myself I HAD to butt in and I said Yeh, he's RIGHT, she IS a beautiful
lady and he turned around and thanked me for the compliment and said Hi!
I'm Brad Duncan and I shook his hand and told him who I was, that I'm in
Freddy Davis's line of sponsorship and, man, Fred, I got excited. Because
I I sat there and looked at him and he was just totally caz, not a care
in the world, I mean the guy was able to get ANYTHING he wanted, anything
his WIFE wanted, his heart desired. It was HIS. And I thought , THERE he
is. I mean, what a LIFE. THe guy just walks into Nordstrom's and has no
problem paying for this. Man, oh, man! YOu talk about freedom. You talk
about a dream. Being able to get your wife anything there she wants. Ed,
I was EXCITED. I'm STILL excited. I was jittery, I was nervous. I didn't
know what to do but I shook his hand and talked with him for a couple minutes
and that's about it. So anyway, Freddy, I wanted to share it with you because
I'm fired up and excited. I love ya, buddy, I'll talk to you soon and, uh,
I'll see ya.